

In the configuration/lisa.json file, you will find parameters to replace according your needs.

lisa_url: You can setup in this field a dns or an ip, pointing to your LISA Server.

lisa_engine_port: This is the communication port you have setup on the LISA Server. By default the value is 10042.

lisa_engine_port_ssl: This is the secure communication port you have setup on the LISA Server. By default the value is 10043.

enable_secure_mode: This value define if the client should connect to the server with SSL or not. By default the value is false.

debug_input: If this value is true, all data received will be displayed on the stdout or logged in a file. By default this value is true.

debug_output: If this value is true, all data sent will be displayed on the stdout or logged in a file. By default this value is true.

zone: Define the zone where is located the client. By default this value is “zone1”. There can be more than one client per zone.

tts: You can setup the module that will be used by speech-dispatcher here.

lang: This is the language the tts will use.